Monday, July 02, 2007

The Register Article

Just found the Register article that this site is mentioned in. I trusted the reporter, Kathy Nguyen, to do her best but I still wanted to make sure the information that ended up in print was accurate. After having read the entire article (and it's not just about this website) I can say that the information is accurate. The quotes by me are not direct quotes but are faithful crystallizations of what I actually said, so no complaints there. They included a picture I hoped they wouldn't (at least it's found deep in the web version): the one where I'm opening my popsicle wrapper with my teeth, but it still doesn't look as incriminating as I had feared. Special thanks go to Kathy and Leonard from The Orange County Register. It was fun meeting up with both of you.


  1. I found your blog thru today's Register. Buena Park in the house! Anyway, I like Mexican food and I'm glad you have the time & money to review Mexican eateries in our county.

  2. Well, I wish I really did have the money for it. I'm looking for a job right now but I still have to eat like everyone else, so sometimes I report on my meals.

  3. I love you oc foodies! A couple of months ago I was searching online for a specific restaurant in orange county and stumbled upon one of your guys' food blog. I have been hooked ever since. You all have your own unique blogging style and tastes i love it all!Thank you so much for your mind boggling, mouth watering, make my stomach growl like a lion blogging!

    ...I actually tried to post this comment on today's ocregister but for some reason was not able to submit my comment ;(
    ..i was hoping to reach all you wonderful oc food bloggers to send a big THANK YOU =)

  4. Thanks for commenting. I'm glad you were able to leave a comment somewhere.

  5. Youuu luke mah-vah-laz!!

    Congrats on a great article!

    Also congrats to ocfoodblogs! YAY!

  6. Yes, I had mentioned ocfoodblogs to Kathy. I think she might've already known about it but I wanted it to get mentioned in the article.

  7. Nice reviews. Keep 'em up. We need to eat!

  8. Cool! I second elmo: you look great! Well done.

  9. Thanks. It seems like the people who have found out about the blog from the article have been reading the blog long and deep and soaking up lots of information.
