Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Jack in the Box Taco Nachos

I know I just mentioned Jack in the Box tacos recently but a couple days ago I went through their drive-thru with the intent of just getting a smoothie (love the Sunrise Smoothie) but saw that they were advertising a new item called taco nachos. I just had to order them and find out what they were like. It turns out that they really are two of the infamous deep-fried Jack in the Box tacos, each sliced into thirds, placed on a bed of lettuce, with cheese poured over them and garnished with jalapenos. I should add that this was the Jack in the Box I used to work at as a teenager, where I prided myself in making the food "look like the picture." My taco nachos looked very little like the professionally taken photo I saw hanging from the drive-thru menu board. I have contacted Jack in the Box a couple times asking to be put me on their press contact list but to no avail, and requests to interview Jack himself about Mexican items on their menu have also been ignored. Of course, at the moment that is understandable since Jack is in a coma, but Jack isn't always in a coma (actually, he may be out of it by now).

So since I can't get official photos from them (and their official site doesn't mention taco nachos) the only picture I can show is this slop that looks like it came from the mess hall of a maximum security prison on Leftovers Day:


Did I eat some? Yes, about 60% of it. If you like Jack in the Box tacos you may like this twist on them. If you don't like Jack in the Box tacos you probably won't like this.

The OC Register's Fast Food Maven blog has info on the revamping of the Jack in the Box logo and their restaurant exteriors and interiors.



  1. Oh my. That looks/sounds like something a JITB employee came up ith while working stoned.

    "Dude, let's cut up the tacos... and pour NACHO CHEESE ON THEM! Yeah!"


    at the moment that is understandable since Jack is in a coma


  2. I heard DNA was discovered while Crick and Watson were stoned so maybe these taco nachos are like DNA. Wow, I'm getting really deep.

  3. Great moments in stoner history brought to you by Christian Z. Woohoo!


  4. And the most pot smoke I've ever had has been a couple whiffs secondhand at a few rock concerts.

  5. The unofficial name for this item is "How to make money off of old, nasty, past their sell-date tacos."

  6. I wonder how long they will last.
