Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Twitter Track This

In the year 2009 we are all beholden to the power of the almighty Twitter. Hence, this blog has a newly created Twitter account at I'll be "tweeting" about all sorts of minutiae, trivia, ennui, drek, Twitter litter, picayunes, jots, tittles, iotas, knols, predictions, restaurant openings and closures, secret menu info, lunch updates and more related to Mexican food in Orange County and surrounding areas (such as our little sister, Los Angeles), basically all the stuff that's not going to end up on the blog but may still be of passing, ahem, earth-shaking significance—all in 140 characters or less.

If you follow us you will be followed back unless you appear to be a Twammer. We'll even use it to help keep you up-to-date on the OC Mex restaurants out there that use Twitter themselves. Follow us and maybe we'll get to as many followers as Ashton Kutcher has. If any aspiring graphic artist out there wants to concoct a Mexican-inspired Twitter graphic just let me know.

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