Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blog Redesign

If you've visited this site before and you come here now and see that everything looks very different, yes, the site has a new template now but the content is all the same. I was pretty much forced to update the template this blog uses in order to take care of a number of problems the old, outdated template was experiencing. And, yes, there's still some fine-tuning to be done.


  1. Hey christian, mostly started reading your blog from your comments on stick a fork in it. you seem like a down to earth knowledgeable foodie. The new site looks great but it's a but difficult to read at times, is there a way to change it to be more blank in the center? or perhaps another font color? loving your blog btw.

  2. Thanks dig,

    I have a lot of fine-tuning to do here to get everything just right. Thanks for coming. If it's not just right in a week pop back in and let me know. I'm think maybe you meant, "more black in the center"?

  3. Looks great Christian! Just visiting searching for a place to go tomorrow and see you've been adding more places and not just tweeting - great stuff!

    Thanks for your efforts!

    Jon Silber

  4. Thanks, John. Yes, there's more on the way. I'm not holding myself to an "at least one new restaurant review a week" quota anymore but there's definitely lots of content coming. At the moment I'm focused on getting this redesign up to snuff.
